Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays

Hello, I know I haven't posted in a while. I guess there hasn't been anything exciting going. The wood floors are at a stand still until we get the kitchen all done. We are staying in Colorado for the Christmas holiday. Our first Christmas in a new house. :) We have a tree decorated and Christmas decorations were thankfully sent from my Dad and Peggy to make our house look a little more festive.

This is our fireplace all decorated.

These two pictures are our windows in the same room. I hung Christmas ornaments from the window on long ribbon. It looks cuter in person, than this picture.

Our water heater decided to die right after Thanksgiving. So we got to buy a new one. Yay! Brennan installed it himself. Now we have a safe new one.

Here is the picture of the mess of draining it out in the laundry room. The orange water is what comes out of the water heater at the very end of the tank. Its a bunch of sediment that has settled in there from pipes and water. Yuck.

Here is our new, nice water heater. Yay!

Us in front of our Christmas Tree.
Happy Holidays.

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