Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Downstairs Bedroom

I have been trying to figure out what color to pain the bedroom downstairs. It is the only bedroom with wood floors, and the only one on the lower level. Here are a couple of paint colors I wanted to paint it. Which one should I choose? Both pictures have the same six colors, just on different sides of the room.

Kida, likes my Mom's chair that she gave us. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays

Hello, I know I haven't posted in a while. I guess there hasn't been anything exciting going. The wood floors are at a stand still until we get the kitchen all done. We are staying in Colorado for the Christmas holiday. Our first Christmas in a new house. :) We have a tree decorated and Christmas decorations were thankfully sent from my Dad and Peggy to make our house look a little more festive.

This is our fireplace all decorated.

These two pictures are our windows in the same room. I hung Christmas ornaments from the window on long ribbon. It looks cuter in person, than this picture.

Our water heater decided to die right after Thanksgiving. So we got to buy a new one. Yay! Brennan installed it himself. Now we have a safe new one.

Here is the picture of the mess of draining it out in the laundry room. The orange water is what comes out of the water heater at the very end of the tank. Its a bunch of sediment that has settled in there from pipes and water. Yuck.

Here is our new, nice water heater. Yay!

Us in front of our Christmas Tree.
Happy Holidays.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Cabinets Look Sooooo Pretty

One side of the wall of base and upper cabinets are in, thanks to Brennan's hard work. They look great! I can't wait for the counter top to go in. I took two different photos of the cabinets. The photo below is with the flash on.

The photo below is with the flash off. For some reason neither pictures look like what I am looking at when I am in the kitchen. You will just have to see it in person. :)

I'm thinking of having everyone pay a toll to stay at our updated home. :) Either something from Trader Joe's or In-N-Out cheeseburger, french fries, and vanilla purse. Just stick it in your carry-on bag. :)

Here is what the lazy susan looks like inside. I'm glad we were able to utilize the space in that corner.

Just another view.

Don't forget about a burger for Keeeeeeeds! She likes her new home. She even made a friend next door. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Base Cabinets

Brennan has started putting in the base cabinets in our kitchen. We have also ordered our kitchen sink. Yay.

My First Thanksgiving Turkey

I cooked my first Thanksgiving Turkey. I turned out really yummy and I got to save a lot of the turkey in the freezer. It took longer than expected but it was still yummy. I got the recipe from the Home and Garden magazine. It called for unfiltered apple juice, half of an apple, sage, rosemary and onion.

Brennan's Bloody Mary got in the picture. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Almost finished

The hardwood floor in the Living Room and Kitchen are almost finished. James has to buff the floor one more time and add some for Polyurethane finish. It won't look as glossy as it does now. He said the more glossy the floor is, the more you can see scratches. Like from little doggie paws. :)

I love the floor it looks sooooooo great! James did a great job and his was fast too. Here are some more pictures just after the polyurethane went on.

I really like the floor with our cabinets and wall color. :)

Here is a really up close picture of the floor. It has so much character. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hardwood Floors

Our neighbor James, started finishing our wood floors. He has his own hardwood floor company called Appearance Hardwood.

He brought a couple of guys to help him out. First he sanded the floor and had another guy fill in the big gaps with wood filler. Then they sanded the floor again and put a buffer on the floor and it fills in all the little tiny gaps.

The floor looked good even after it was only sanded once. I am so excited.

They then buffed the floor and made everything very smooth.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I went to the DMV the other day to get my Colorado license. In Colorado you are not able to make an appointment to get your license. You have to take a number, and wait with everyone else there. When you are at the DMV it seems as though everyone and their mother has come that day for services. Man oh man, people don't care what they look like either, when they go to the DMV. Some people looked like they had a rough night at the bar, didn't sleep, then decided it was a good day to stroll into the DMV.

Anyway, I had to leave Kida for the first time, BY HERSELF. If anyone knows Kida, she has separation anxiety, poor thing. So I was gone for three hours, and she busied herself getting into the trash as seen below.

She gets so agitated and does naughty things like get into the kitchen and bathroom trash. I feel bad for her. Dogs have such a short memory that you have to be careful when you scold them for things, because it could have been hours ago that they did it. All your yelling and "no-ing" won't ring a bell because they have already forgotten what they have done. However, they know when they do naughty things. Kida knew, cause she hid in the corner of the kitchen. (No, I do not hit her, I scold her when she is bad.) Ohhhhhhhh, got to love her though.

On a better note, our neighbor is sanding and finishing the Living Room and Kitchen floors today. Yay! I will let you know how it goes. :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


As of last night, Brennan, Kida and I spent our first night, just us, in the house. It was nice to have the house to ourselves, but for some reason I felt something was missing. I'm sure I'll get used to it. It is so nice to have people come and visit and see our new place. We have a great walking trail and park behind our backyard that we have access too. Kida and Polo love running around and chasing the ball.

While my Dad was here we took a walk down the trail. Its so cool having a walking trail right behind us, to get out of the house for a bit and see nature.

We also have a nature preserve and walking trail across the street. Today was the first time I got to walk down  there and see it. There are Geese in the water, as well as ducks.

It was freezing! So it was a brisk, short walk. It was only 32 degrees! Brrrrrrrrrr.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kitchen Cabinets

My Dad and Brennan started hanging the kitchen cabinets. They look so good against the blue color I picked out for the kitchen. They put in a support and drilled it into the kitchen wall, to set the cabinets on and help in leveling. Of course they measured and found where the support beams were first too. They also used shims and levelers to make sure all sides were level and flush with each other. They worked well as a team. No yelling or swearing. I was very impressed. :)

When you look up putting in kitchen cabinets on the Internet, its says its a difficult thing to do. You definitely need two or three people to do it. One person has to support the cabinets and the other needs to  drill the holes and put in the screws. Its not easy, but take your time, plan it out and it gets done.

Here is what it looks like so far. We have a few more to put up. I think it looks great.