Thursday, September 22, 2011


After scraping the ceiling, Brennan took out the kitchen cabinets. As he did that, I tore up the carpet, pad, and the tack along the perimeter of the room. I then pulled up all the staples out of the sub-floor. I think there were original staples in the floor from 1974. They were were very old and rusty. Brennan next took out the soffit from the ceiling of the kitchen. If you don't know what a soffit is its the dry wall that sticks out from the ceiling and is at the top of your kitchen cabinets. It doesn't serve a purpose except to take up space above your kitchen cabinets.

The picture above is an example of a soffit. When we took ours down there were wires in it just hanging across the room. So now Brennan gets to rewire and reconfigure some of them. Yay. :p I'm beginning to learn that the more you take down or out of your house, the more you find and the bigger the project becomes. :)

We have ordered our wood floors from Lumber Liquidators and our new solid wood kitchen cabinets from, Cabinets-To-Go. In the mean time we need to fix some wiring, scrape the other ceilings, put in new insulation and put drywall back in. The fun never ends. But hey this is what we wanted, to make the house our own.

The picture below shows the layout of the new kitchen cabinets. The blank space in the corner is a 33" lazy susan cabinet that could not be generated from their software. The cabinets are in a chocolate brown color. I can't wait. :)

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