Monday, September 19, 2011

Homeowners at Last

As of September 16, 2011, Brennan and I have become homeowners. Yippee Skippy! The transaction from hell, that has been going on since June has finally closed. It felt surreal and didn't truly hit us until Friday evening, when we went to the store to buy a new front door lock. We now had our own set of keys for our own home. Wow!

The home you see above is a four bedroom, two bath, tri-level with a basement.

Now the physical work begins, (it actually began Sunday but that is another post). To give you an idea, we have to scrape eight "cottage cheese" ceilings, take up all the old carpet and wood floors in the kitchen, paint the exterior and interior, fix some plumbing and electrical issues, remodel the kitchen and bathrooms and landscape the yard front and back. We have a lot of work to do and will tackle one project at a time. Wish us luck. :)

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